Sherry Sampson

I follow photographers, surfers, musicians and artists!! Your art blew me away. I LOVE IT!!!

Mark Tremaine

Michael, your work is magical… I’m so impressed by your use of color and imagination. Please keep sharing your work as it’s an inspiration to anyone that has the ability to view it. Best to you and yours! Stay safe and keep on painting, your work is...


Aloha Michael! I simply had to tell you how much of an impact your art has had on my husband. Ever since we purchased “Shaded by Ancient Trees” he has been hooked on checking out all of your new works. So much so that even being deployed hasn’t stopped him! I received...


Michael, I believe you are very talented and it’s a pleasure to support. Your work brought light and happiness during a very dark moment. I am very grateful to you for that! I wish you much success and happiness in all you endeavor to create.


Michael Provenza’s lyrical landscapes are a joy to view. The images hold up under their own natural laws and compel the viewer to explore these worlds, even beyond the edges of their frames. Great work Mike!